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Business Forum: All about businesses are discussed such as Sole proprietorship, Accounting, Maximization of profit, Entrepreneur etc.
(103 threads / topics)

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Nigeria loses money and job opportunities of Data Centre in Africa by Microsoft Nigeria loses money and job opportunities of Data Centre in Africa by Microsoft (1.5K views)

Nigeria loses job opportunities of Data Centre to be setup in Africa by Microsoft. American ICT giant Microsoft has identified the ...[read more]

Posted in: Business section By: goddy - Thu, Apr 5th, 2018, 12:31 pm ↔ 6 years ago

Topic How You can make 10,000 weekly as a student on your phone (1.2K views)


Posted in: Business section By: bunmi101 - Wed, Feb 14th, 2018, 9:29 pm ↔ 6 years ago
How we can be productive and remain competitive - Donald Duke How we can be productive and remain competitive - Donald Duke (2.2K views)

Mr. Donald Duke the previous Governor of Cross River State has sounded a dreary cautioning that all is not well in Nigeria, in ...[read more]

Posted in: Business section By: goddy - Sun, Nov 5th, 2017, 9:40 am ↔ 7 years ago

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